Post MCM Musings: Always have a Plan B

Everything in training can go right. You can run a PR in the half-marathon a few months before the full you are training for. You can hit your goal times in your workouts. You know you are as fit as you can be on race day but the unexpected happens and your plan starts to crumble. How you deal with the unexpected becomes the real challenge. Having a marathon where everything went wrong and your plan didn't work can cause you to lose your mojo. I have learned that having a back up plan is how you take back your race, it is how you save your mojo. I lost mine a few years ago and it took me awhile to get it back. I have been chasing a not so secret marathon goal for a few years now, 3:15. It is a time I know that I am fully capable of hitting. I lost hope in ever achieving this goal for a few years because I lost focus. I lost the belief that I could do it. I stopped training smart. I ran but I didn't run quality. It wasn't until after my last Boston Marathon, when I didn...