New York, New York

Here is part three and final chapter to my New York Marathon wrap up: Part of what I learned from the Hanson method was breaking up the marathon into 6 mile segments. I ran each segment only focusing on those 6 miles. It was a new tactic and it was a game changer. Miles 1-6 While waiting on the bridge in Staten Island my corral and I were impatiently anticipating when our cannon would go off. I was surrounded by people from all over the world and from all walks of life. I had an Italian woman help me fix my back bib that stated who I was racing for, I talked to a New Yorker about what our goal time was and what I should expect from this course, I jumped up and down a few times, I just wanted to go and was open to any distraction possible. Finally they announced the elite men who were starting on the bridge under us. What followed was a beautiful rendition of the national anthem and then all of a sudden our cannon sounded. Was this it? I didn't see anything that said ...