Cure to the Post-Marathon Blues
The weeks following a marathon are always a struggle for me. All that build up for this one race- early mornings, two-a-days, workouts in every kind of weather, now what? I've got a case of the post-marathon blues but don't worry I found the cure.
There are plenty of lists out there regarding what runners think of and go through during a marathon, but what about after? After all of the endorphin's wear off, there are 5 stages runners go through before they get out of their funk. We go through all the 5 stages of grief that are followed by a return to normality.
Six Stages of Post-Marathon Grief:
1. Denial: I am still in shape. I should sign up for a marathon next week. I can probably do at least 10 miles tomorrow. I am fine.
2. Anger: Why does everything hurt? My body is rejecting running. I hate everyone on STRAVA right now. Why can't I just go back to last week when I was in excellent shape and I was so hopeful of the future?
3. Bargaining: Okay legs, listen if we do some yoga and I roll you out, can we please go for a run? Just one mile, I just want to run one mile.
4. Depression: What was even the point of all that training? I hate running, I am never running again.
5. Acceptance: I ran a MARATHON! I am a part of the .5% of the population that has ran a marathon. That's something to proud of. After a week off, my legs feel great! I think I will go for a run.
6. Return: Back to training and has already signed up for 3 races.
It is a cycle that even if you are not a runner you can relate to. After achieving a goal you worked tirelessly at for months, maybe even years, what do you do?
My Cure to Post-Marathon Blues:
You reflect on what you have accomplished. You take time to do things that maybe you weren't able to do while pursuing that goal. You remind yourself why you worked so hard in the first place. You watch one of your running heroes win the New York Marathon and you set a new goal because that's life, F*** Yeah!
Next Races, Join me!:
11/18/17: Paris Mountain Road Race Greenville, SC
11/23/17: Maryville Drumstick 5k Maryville, TN
12/02/17: Peaks of Otter 5K Bedford, VA
12/16/17: Santa Run Greenville, SC
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